Monday, October 24, 2016

SS Game Plan 10/24/16

Big Picture 24-Oct-2016
market gapping higher above resistance area from past two weeks. a close above 214.50 brings 216 into play. then 218...

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
twx??89.5-90takeout price around 106.50. trading at large discount
t36, 36.5037, 37.20continued weakness following TWX merger news
tmus46, 46.70-46.8048, nonesolid EPS & customer acquisition. rev light.
vfc52.30, 5354, 54.2lowers rev/eps guidance a few %

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
msft59.5059.90-60sold on open and failed to hold above 60
mcd113.25114.50held support. accumulated higher
pypl43.5, 43.7044.2very strong. new ath
skx18.60, 18.8019.20sold on open. accumulated 19 rest of day
alks55-55.3057, 58held large gap but selling pressure most of day

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