Sunday, April 3, 2016

April - A time to get aggressively long?

April - A time to get aggressively long?

April has been anything but an April Fool's for the longs in recent memory.  Looking back in time since 2006, we have had 9 winning months and 1 losing month of April with an average return of 2.94%.  The only losing month came in 2012, with a loss of .75%.  Here's a look of the returns by year since 2006.

2006 - .59%
2007 - 4.33%
2008 - 4.46%
2009 - 9.98% 
2010 - 1.32%
2011 - 2.57%
2012 - (.75%)
2013 - 1.81%
2014 - .53% 
2015 - .86% 

With the FED clearly dovish and stalling to raise interest rates further we look primed to have another month of positive returns in April.  Trade with a plan and trade well!


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