Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Watchlist 4/20/16

Big Picture 20-Apr-2016
market set to open flattish after seeng some weakness yesterday in small caps.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
cara8, 8.5-8.710.20-10.50can resume Phase III study
intc30.50-30.6031.40lowered guidance. firing 10% of workforce
vmw54-5556, 57.50slight beat & 5% share buy back
ba126.50, 128, 130131, 132BAC downgrade to under perform

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
nflx88.50, 9095, 96weak all day
hog45.15, 45.546sold off open then range rest of day
tsla245.50-246248, 250247sold off in morning bought in afternoon

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