Sunday, April 24, 2016

Drafting your monthly review

What to include?
  • Trading metrics
  • Graphs and Reports
  • Qualitative observations (your own words) - Huge tool to use with tons of great features and reporting.  Definitely want to review and utilize to develop your game.

Suggestions for your monthly review
  • Statistical inference
  • Review prior goals / how you did with them
  • Establish new goals
  • Market observations - Tactical / Mechanical (Trending, Rangebound, Leading Sectors, How did I match my trading to current market conditions / what I expect market to do in next month)
  • Win rates
  • Psychological observations from the journal
  • Patterns in best and worst trading (Days / Set ups / Time / Stocks / Psycholgy)
  • Solutions --- What to keep, eliminate, add, adjust
Build power point - Example of what to include
  • Import charts and graphs from tradervue into PPT
  • Postives stats (Top stocks / Top sectors / Top set ups)
  • Negative stats
  • What I did well
  • What I could do better
  • Summary of month
  • Goals for next month
Be VERY specific
  • I overtraded this month - NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH.
    • Which stocks
    • What days of the week
    • Are specific market conditions driving this? 
    • Is it days your up or down already?
    • Are you trading bigger or smaller on these days?

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