Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 10/28/16

market set to open flattish after testing 213 support yesterday a few times. sentiment has turned bearish short term with many expecting a break of this support from past two weeks... IWM has already broken september low of 120 showing huge relative weakness to SPY

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
bhi5759.5-60GE partnership. not acquisition.
amzn765, 770778-780, 785solid #s. initial reaction negative testing 3mo low.
bidu174-175182crushed EPS on inline Rev. guides rev down 8%.
abbv56.7, 57.5, 58.560, 61.80slight miss on rev. seems like over reaction...
expe124130, 13212821% gross booking y/y. rev up 33%. growth intact
syna56.5-5759, 60guides down 450bps on gross margins.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
cyh4.905.5-5.65, 65crushed
celg102, 103.80-104106, 108very strong

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