Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 12/9/16

markets made new all time highs yesterday. extremely overbought. would expect to see a 1% pull back in next few days. FED meeting on wednesday.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
avgo175, 177nonesolid earnings. doubles dividend! new ATH
fnsr35, 35.40, 36nonecrushed EPS w/ good margins.
lvs56, 5759.30, 60HK ATM story not true. 10K Yuan daily limit remains
rh30, 3234.7-35lowered Q4 guidance.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
hznp14, 14.3015.60, 1615closed weak right at 15 support.
lulu67, 68.8070sold on open then tight range rest of day
aal46.5049, 50straight up from 35 to 49

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