Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 12/1/16

market has had some selling pressure this week but fairly minor deterioration overall. the oil deal got done and continued upside follow thru there. energy names should continue to have a strong bid.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
blue72, 73.507575good myeloma drug results
kr30.50-30.8033inline. inline estimates.good bounce candidate
ges13??13.40, 13.80, 14large miss on EPS
wll12.30-12.5013, 13.25, 14upgrade. very strong ystdy

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
crc16, 16.8019, 20very strong
fb117, 118119, 120weak on story about ad sell thru

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