Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 11/10/16

market rally ystdy was one of the biggest we have ever seen. pre-market high may be tested but would be difficult to trade higher than that based on size of move we had ystdy... 218-218.30R

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
prgo82, 8487.50solid eps & rev
kss46.650rev in line. crushed EPS. margins?
twtr18, 18.519coo left. 6.5mln people watched election coverage
shak3437.50-38raised rev guidance 3%
ibm156157, 158bofa upgrade to buy from neutral

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
pfe32, 32.533sold off hard on open from 33 area
thc1515.6, 16bottomed pre-market then accumulated
x2425range bound all day but buyer stepped up in afternoon

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