Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 11/28/16

markets gapping slightly lower after setting new all time highs on friday. it has been "slow and steady" since the initial election pop. look for a change before committing to the short side.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
sfun2.80-2.903.50-3.65lowered #s a lot. but already beaten down like entire sector
ctsh55.30-55.5058.70, 59.50-60activist investor
cop4646.5, 48GS upgrade.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
lly6869-69.25strong bounce after huge gap lower
juno21.60, 2223-23.15, 24strong bounce off 20 area
de102104strong breakout from 102. new all time high

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