Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 11/16/16

SPY caught a bid again closing above 218 for first time in 2 months. 216.50-217 looks like good support. IWM continues to consolidate just below ATH. Oil had strong bounce from 42.70 support area failing above 46.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
tgt75, 7677.25, 78.5prmktcrushed EPS. multi-month high.
low65-65.5068miss and lower guidance.
fb110, 113116another bug in ad metrics
ctrp40-40.3541-41.35new ceo

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
twlo34-34.25371st large green day in almost 2 months
dks54.5, 55.5057, 58sold all day to lt support then 2pt bounce
aapl105.50-106107.50failed twice at 107.50

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