Monday, December 19, 2016

SS Game Plan 11/17/16

market continues to consolidate in a tight range just below ATHs.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
bby42, 42.8044.50-45very good EPS. raised Q4 guidance.
fslr2829.80-30lowered guidance a lot. down 60% from high
csco29, 29.7030.50, 3130lowered guidance
ntap36, 3838.80, 4038guides EPS higher on inline REV
wmt68.30, 69.1570.35-70.5wide range for guidance is a negative

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
fb115.3, 116117, 117.40, 117.8strong bounce morning. sold in afternoon.
tgt74, 75.6, 7677, 78after initial pop sold rest of day
aapl108, 108.60, 109.40111.20, 112-112.50very strong bounce. bought all day.

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