Thursday, May 26, 2016

Trade Review KS

Every successful trader has a routine that works for them...

Trading is all about finding systems and processes that work for you..

Check Futures / Indices / News

Think about how your going to handle the day

Read on way to work / Trading Psychology

Journal - 1st thing

Write goals
Get game plan going

Look at what's moving

Game plan for open

Middle of day journal / How are you doing against goal / What to trade into close

Trade the close

Daily review

Evernote is good way to organize journal

Loook at all trades after close - Focus on bubbles

Are you buying at top of range / selling at bottom of range - Chasing

Bubbles cover stock whole way - Possibly overtrading

More size / Less Size

Motives behind trades / Knowing your self / emotional intelligence

Watch tape of the open / after the close

Same process on best and worst days

Written statement for each trade

What affected my decisions / Focus on that the most! 

Anti Playbook Trade / Playbook Trade / Trade I could have made money on - Good Risk to Reward.  Maybe you didn't even trade it or could have traded it bigger!

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