Thursday, May 26, 2016

Watchlist 5/25/16

Big Picture 25-May-2016
market gapping higher following yesterday's large rally. approaching failure area from a few weeks ago.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
csc44.5, 45.50nonemerging w/ HPE division. seems up too much...
hpe17.50-17.618.50earnings + merger announcement
tif60, 61.5063bad #s and guide down. approaching 2016 low
expr12.70-1314, 15lowered guidance around 10%
srpt20, 2122.50-23, 24FDA delay has some thinking they will approve
nvax5, 5.26fda news. had runup ahead of news...

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
bby3030.80, 31weak morning. bounce. weak end of day.
dsw18.6, 1919.60-19.80weak morning. solid bounce. watch 19.
tol29, 29.3030, 31.2strong all day. closed at high.
aapl96, 9798.60at earnings day gap down high 98.60

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