Thursday, May 12, 2016

Watchlist 5/11/16

Big Picture 11-May-2016
market lower this morning following large rally. 207.50 & 208.50 areas of interest for SPY. buyers quickly regained control after a week of selling. the bounce was much quicker than the down which means demand for equities is very high and now that earnings are out co's can buy their shares back as well...

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
dis98, 100101.70-102, 103.3missed analyst est's but seemed OK to me
foslnone28, 30can't win in an iwatch fitbit world. EPS guides down 20%
mnone34.5guides lower for the year. AMZN killing them...
csiq16, 16.80-1719raised guidance in line with street

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
scty16.50-1717.80-18weak in morning. bought rest of day.
gps1919.50did nothing all day
ll11.5, 1213nice bounce from prior support area
akrx26-26.5028strong. closed at high

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