Monday, May 30, 2016

Intraday Trading

Trend trend trade

*Play in which long term trend and short term trend
*Need clear reason to sell / stock must show you your wrong
*Trade it bigger

*** Reasons to sell ***

Clear break of intraday trend
Negative catalyst released
Stock hits exit
Major support / resistance
Market reverses

+/- 3% in premarket
High R vol in premarket
Technique to get bigger----
A+ setup
Have to get bigger
Trades work best go over them to get bigger
Add 1 lot above each level / take 2 off if level fails
30% of intraday stop loss must be risked

Second day trade
Day following trade with catalyst (earnings or changing fundamentals) tend to be best that closes HOD OR LOD

Hit stock out where stop is!
Have rules to get back in!!

 *Big picture (SPY) - 80% move w market
*Intraday fundamentals - Catalyst for the day / Raising guidance / Lower Guidance / Increased / Decreased Margins / Ended Dividend - Something unexpected that changes outlook of stock going forward.
*Technical analysis (Long and Short Term)
Stocks strong get long, stock weak get short
*Trade management
*Trade review
*Trade idea for tomorrow

Build a play trade PowerPoint for FF5280
Find chat room and webinar software
Tick chart is time / sales

Short float:
Avg daily volume
Today's volume

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