Monday, May 30, 2016

Watchlist 5/27/16

Big Picture 27-May-2016
market flattish. Yellen talks at 1:00PM

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
gme26.80-2729, 30earnings fine. down but starting to bounce
vrx2829.4, 30rejected takover offer in april
big48-48.5050.50-51raised guidance. low end stores not hurt by amazon
tex16, 18??20takeover cancelled
panw129, 130, 131136, 138mixed reaction to earnings.

stocksupportresistanceinflexionnotestrading plan
nerv9-9.20, 1012.3, 13sold heavy open but held 9 before afternoon pop
dltr86, 86.8089new all time high
csc4848.5, 48.85-49sold all the way back to 48 breakout area
wsm51, 51.3052.50very weak in morning. bounce & fail 52.50
cost149.70-150152, 154bought on open but then tested 150 a few times

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